1)Director for the MSc programme in Construction Management (2000 – ongoing)
2)Member of Sub-Committee on International Student Recruitment (2005 – ongoing)
3)Member of Senate, and Faculty Board (1985 – 2006)
4)Chairman of the Steering Group for International Affairs (1995 – 2005), member of Committee from 1984, responsible for University policy on international affairs, recruitment and student welfare
5)Member of Review Panel for International Rural development (2003-2006)
6)Chairman of the School of Applied Management Studies (1990 - 1997) - a cross Faculty wide group for management education in the University
7)Policy and Resources Committee (1996 –2001)
8)Appeals Panel for Neglect of Work (2001-2007)
9)Chairman of the Committee for International Student Welfare (1995 – 2002) responsible for the welfare issues for international students at the University
10)Member of the Board of Directors of Churn Estates (University farms) (1986-1991)
11)Chairman of various Boards of Examiners (B Sc, M Sc.)
12)Member of various University project-building committees Member of various University academic appointment panels, including acting as Chairman Member of Council, Standing Committee, Audit Committee (1987 – 2006)
13)Member of Examination Appeals Committee, Research Committee, Computer Committee, Promotions Board Management Unit Advisory Board (1992 – 2000)
14)Whiteknights Hall Committee (1977 - 1997)
1)Construction Management and Economics (Taylor & Francis)
2)Journal of Real Estate and Construction (National University of Singapore)
3)Journal of Construction (University of Cape Town)
4)Acta Structilia (University of Orange Free State)
5)Research Paper Series of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
6)Engenharia Civil (Civil Engineering) sponsored by Foundation for Science and Technology, Ministry of Technology (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
7)International Project Management Journal (Helsinki University of Technology)
8)International Journal of Construction Management (China)
9)International Civil Engineering Abstracts (Accreditation Board – Emerald Publications)
10)Research paper series of the University of Mauritius
11)Journal of Technology Management for China (China Association for Management of Technology)
1)Alnaser NW, and Flanagan R The need of sustainable building construction in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Building and Environment, Vol 42 Issue 1 p495-506 Elsevier Science ISSN 0360-323 2007
2)Alnaser W.E, Probert S.D, El-Masri S, Al-Khalifa S.E, Flanagan R., Alnaser N.W Bahrain’s Formula-I racing circuit: Energy and Environmental considerations Applied Energy Elsevier Science, Vol 83 Issue 4 April 2006 p352-372 ISSN 0306-2619 2006
3)Mutti, C.N., Araújo, H.N., Flanagan, R. Aspectos estratégicos da internacionalização de grandes construtoras brasileiras: vantagens e obstáculos (Strategic aspects of the internationalization of Brazilian large contractors: advantages and obstacles). In: Proceedings of the XI Encontro Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído (National Conference of Technology of the Built Environment). ANTAC. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, August 2006. 2496 - 2505. 2006
4)Mutti, C.N., Araújo, H.N., Flanagan, R. O diferencial competitivo das grandes construtoras brasileiras no mercado internacional (The competitive differentiation of Brazilian large contractors in the international market) Proceedings of the XXV Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (National Conference of Production Engineering). ABEPRO. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, 29th October to 1st November 2005. 4052 -4059 2005
5)Salama H and Flanagan R. The challenges facing privatization of infrastructure projects in Libya Proceedings of the COBRA conference, Queensland University of Technology, Australia pp731-739 (ISBN 1-74107-101-1) 2005 4
6)Jewell CA, Flanagan R, Cattell K The effects of the informal sector on construction Proceedings of the Construction Research Congress – Broadening perspectives Ed. Tommelin American Society of Civil Engineers, 10p (ISBN 0-7844-0754-1) 2005
7)Flanagan R The synergy between business and global drivers in futures planning for construction enterprises. Ed. Kähkönen K, and Sexton M Understanding the construction business and companies in the new millennium. VTT Helsinki pp42-53 ( ISBN 952-5004-62-7) 2005
8)Flanagan R, and Jewell CA. International competitiveness of the Finnish construction sector 11pp downloadable from TEKES (Finnish Research Council) web site, www.tekes.fi 2005
9)Flanagan R Malaysia in the global construction market – a focus on sustaining competitiveness/ Proceedings of the international conference of the Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia September 2005, pp12-24 (ISBN 0-6733-0680-1) 2005
10)Henricsson, J.P.E, Ericsson, S., Flanagan, R. and Jewell, C.A. Rethinking Competitiveness for the construction industry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual ARCOM Conference, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, September 9p 2004
11)Cattell, K. Flanagan, R. and Jewell, C.A. Competitiveness and productivity in the construction industry: the importance of definitions. Proceedings of the Construction Industry Development Board 2nd Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, Oct, 11p 2004
12)Flanagan R, Liu J, and Li Z Why does China need risk management in its construction industry? Proceedings of the Nineteenth annual conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management University of Brighton, September pp453-462 2003
And over 150 more papers.
1)Whole life appraisal for construction (with Jewell. C.A), Blackwell Science, Oxford 181p (ISBN 0 632 05046 2) 2005
2)The future forces of change for the construction sector- a global perspective eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Edited by Dikbas A 5 and Raimar S p3-10Balkeima Publishers (Taylor and Francis) Leiden (ISBN 04 1535 938 4) 2004
3)Risk – Yours, Mine and Ours (with Jackson S and Jewell C A) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, available on web site www.rics.org.uk 59pp 2003
4)The risk of mould damage over the whole life of a building, (with Jewell C A) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, downloadable from web site www.rics.org.uk 28pp 2003
5)A review of construction futures in the construction sector (with Jewell C A) Report prepared for the Construction Research and Innovation Strategy Panel (nCRISP) Published by nCRISP and mounted on the web site www.ncrisp.org.uk downloadable as a pdf file 69p 2003
6)Vision 2020: Building Sweden’s future (with Jewell C, Larsson B, Sfeir C) CMB, Sweden 111p (ISBN 0-7049-12066) 2001
7)The impact of global business on design and construction Chapter 33 in - Design professionals and the built environment, Edited by Ozolins P and Knox P pp341-351 John Wiley & Sons, USA (ISBN 0-471-98515-5) 2000